Simon Glerup
Company: Draupnir Bio Aps
Job title: Chief Scientific Officer
Small Molecules Inducing Targeted Degradation of Extracellular Proteins in Lysosomes 4:15 pm
Targeting extracellular proteins with small molecules and introduction to degradation technology Designing degraders inducing lysosomal-mediated degradation for a broad range of targets Showcasing preclinical data of degrader mechanism of actionRead more
day: Conference Day One
Harnessing Innovative Platforms, Molecular & Cellular Assay Development & Screening Techniques to Explore Novel Protein Degradation Targets 11:30 am
Protein degradation has immense potential to drug the ‘undruggable’ – by eliminating disease causing proteins previously thought to be not addressable by classical therapeutic approaches. Extracellular proteins compose approximately 40% of the proteome, creating vast untapped potential until now… Attend this Workshop to: Uncover the vast potential in unlocking extracellular targets for degradation via alternative…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day